we walk at dusk
heads thrown back
to search the darkening sky
to search the darkening sky
for emerging pinpoints of light
tell-tale tracks of sunshine
tell-tale tracks of sunshine
from distant spheres
mars first, shining orange
high in the eastern sky
jupiter plays with our eyes
flashing like a diamond in the sky
till we are certain
and then we wait for saturn's
light to reach us
two walking along spadina
peering into the southern horizon
two swinging through the sky
out of step enough that they will slip
in and out of each other's arms
in the next month
if you walk outside at dusk
you can watch them emerge
before the rest of the heavens shine
their night lights into our sky
by 6:30 those two are bright in the south-west
every night they swing closer
till Dec 21 when they may
(I've never seen this)
look like a single star
every night the stars
sweep across our sky
as we spin
planets sweep through
on their own orbit
spinning into new
as we all fly
around the sun
perhaps I am telling you things
you already know
but I am walking down spadina
as the colors rise and fade
with the setting of the sun
finding new patterns
in pinpoints of light
and he tells me
we have been married for
one saturnian year